I Tried the Flashforge Dreamer 3D Printer

I recently had the chance to try out the Flashforge Dreamer 3D printer and was impressed! This machine is packed with features that make it ideal for both beginners and experienced users. My favorite things about the Flashforge Dreamer include: The built-in camera. Touch screen interface. Dual extruders. Filament run-out detection. The Flashforge Dreamer 3D … Read more

How To 3D Print Your Face Onto An Action Figure

Now you can 3D print your selfie onto an action figure with the Hasbro Selfie Series. Are you a self-proclaimed selfie queen or king? Hasbro has introduced the first-ever “selfie” series with their new line of action figures. Whether you want to be Iron Man or Captain America, there’s a Hasbro Selfie Series action figure for … Read more

3D Printing: 5 Ways It’s Changing Industry

3D printing is an additive manufacturing technology that creates three-dimensional objects by successively adding material layer by layer. Also known as Additive or direct digital manufacturing, 3D printing is used in many industries to create prototypes, production parts, and end products. Here are five ways 3D printing is changing the industry. 3D printing is an … Read more

Top Companies That Make 3D Printers Under $200

If you’re looking to jump-start your knowledge of 3D printers, look no further. This article gives you all the essential information you need to know about 3D Printing, including an overview of the technology and some new vocabulary. In recent years, 3D printing technologies have come a long way, and many affordable 3D printers are … Read more

Best 3D Printers For Beginners In 2022

We take a look at the three best printers for beginners and hobbyists. 3D printers can be great gifts for kids. In fact, they are the hottest gifts in the market right now. They are a fun way to introduce someone to the world of 3d modeling and printing. 3D printers are becoming more common … Read more

10 Ways DSP Printing Will Impact Manufacturing

DSP, or direct sound printing, is a reasonable shift in 3D printing. 3D printing is making three-dimensional solid objects from a digital file. A 3D-printed object is created using additive processes, whereby successive layers of material are laid down in different shapes. Direct sound printing (DSP) is a new 3D printing technology that uses sound … Read more

About 3D Printing in the Education Market

The story about 3D printing is continually evolving in the education market. Many schools, educators, and education authorities evaluate the technology for possible applications. 3D printing is often cited as a STEM tool or something that can assist teaching staff. Some schools have already adopted 3D printing, and others are considering it. 3D printing in … Read more

1 New Home-Based Business Opportunity You Just Need A Great Teacher!

3D printing is the one new home-based business opportunity that anyone can do. 3D printing is a term thrown around often, especially as people become more aware of its uses. The technology has come a long way in the short time it has been released to the public. What was once reserved for savvy design … Read more

How Prototype 3d Printing Is Still A Niche Product

Prototype 3d printing has been around for a time but is only gaining mainstream attention. Previously, the technology was expensive, time-consuming, and could only be used for prototypes. However, with recent innovations in software and hardware, 3D Printing is becoming more accessible to the general public. 3D Printing is still a niche creation. However, it is not just … Read more

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