Storing Your PLA Filament Correctly to Avoid Waste

Is a PLA material made from corn? (Polylactic Acid) the filament is a 3D printing material made from corn. It’s one of the most popular materials for 3D printers because it’s easy to print with and doesn’t require special equipment. PLA filament is a bioplastic made from renewable natural resources such as corn, sugarcane, or … Read more

What is PETG Filament? Everything You Need to Know for 3D Printing

Embark on an Exciting Journey into the World of 3D Printing: Spotlight on PETG! The world of 3D printing is a boundless realm of creativity and innovation, where imagination meets technology to produce tangible results. Whether you’re a curious beginner or a seasoned maker, the adventure always holds something new to discover. Today, we turn … Read more

New 3D Printing Is Changing Technology And Industry.

3D Printing is one of those fascinating technologies that are both new and old simultaneously. A lot has happened recently, but the technology itself isn’t new. Since its invention in 1984 by Chuck Hull, it’s been used to print everything from guns to jet engines. However, some companies have been using it since the 1980s … Read more

How Does A 3d Printer Work To Make Successful Models?

Understanding how a 3D printer works can help you make the most of your creations. A 3D printer (also known as an FDM 3D printer) works by heating a polymer filament until it melts and extrudes out of a nozzle, creating a solid object for the uninitiated.  The machine moves the print head to make … Read more

What are The Different Types Of 3d printers

If you’re interested in 3D printing, you’ll want to familiarize yourself with the different types of 3d printers and what they can do. There are two major categories of printers: FFF (Fused Filament Fabrication) and SLS (Selective Laser Sintering). The first category is the most common, as it is easy to use for beginners. In this … Read more

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