NBA Players Get 3D Printing Makeover

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NBA Player Oubre. When you think of 3D printing, you might not immediately think of the NBA. But, as it turns out, this technology impacts professional basketball players – particularly those who suffer from injuries. Recently, NBA player Kelly Oubre Jr. underwent a revolutionary new surgery using 3D-printed implants to repair two bones in his hand.

NBA Players Get 3D Printing Makeover

3D Printing is Helping NBA Players

3D printing is helping NBA players recover from injuries quicker and more effectively. This technology allows students to design accessories for Hornets forward Oubre that will help him with rehab. 3D printing is a versatile tool that people can use to create anything from shoes to braces. This technology is revolutionizing how we treat injuries and helping athletes get back on the court faster than ever.

Kelly Oubre Jr. of the NBA Underwent a New Type of Surgery

Kelly Oubre Jr. had surgery to fix two bones in his hand using 3D-printed implants. This new type of surgery is becoming more popular because it is less invasive and has a shorter recovery time. Oubre is expected to recover fully and be back on the court soon.

In the meantime, students at his alma mater, Findlay Prep, are using 3D printing to design accessories for him. The surgery was successful, and Oubre is scheduled to recover fully. While he recovers, students are using 3D printing to design Hornets accessories for him! The students have created some fantastic designs, and Oubre will love them.

Additive ManufacturingNBA Players Benefitting from 3D Printing Technology

Including Kyrie Irving and Andre Drummond. Regarding fashion, NBA players are often on the cutting edge. They have access to the best designers and can afford top-of-the-line gear. But some players take things one step further by using 3D printing technology to design their accessories.

One such player is Phoenix Suns forward Kelly Oubre Jr., who has used 3D printing to create custom shoes and jewelry. Oubre was introduced to 3D printing while working with a company that makes prosthetic limbs for needy children. He decided to buy a second-hand Makerbot Thing-O-Matic and a $1,000 3D printer.

The University of Missouri-Kansas City Helps NBA and Patients

Oubre spent his first year at the University of Missouri-Kansas City just printing random designs. He then started printing out items that could be useful in the hospital, such as a 3D-printed stethoscope and a plastic holder for an IV drip. “We were able to help out a lot of those patients,” Oubre states. The company uses 3D printers to create custom sockets that give the children a better fit and therefore improved comfort and a greater degree of functionality.

“I thought this would be a great way to bring prosthetics to those who could not afford them. I figured if they’re using the printer to make sockets, think about what they could do with the rest of the body. He designed a new foot for a child from the ground up. His goal was to create a simple, affordable foot for kids with clubfoot who need a custom-fitted prosthetic.

His team used 3D printing to create three prototypes. Two were made of plastic, and one was made of titanium. He created a fourth prototype using a flexible design for the child. What started as a small personal project to craft a custom, one-off prosthetic hand for a girl in the Philippines quickly grew into something bigger. With the help of a team of designers, Oubre designed 3D-printed joints and braces that can be customized to any patient.

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“I think 3D printing will become more accessible,” Oubre said. “We need to change the perception of printing and make it ‘cool. He found a group that printed an entire house with a 3D printer. “I just got into it,” Oubre said recently. “I started playing with it and designing things, and it’s taken off from there.” Oubre designed about 45 watches for himself and his friends, then posted a picture of one of the watches on Instagram.

3D printing is a fantastic technology that anyone can do.

If you can dream it, you can print it. 3D printing is not just for designers and engineers. You will love their smile when they see what you’ve created. FDM 3D Printers – safe, affordable, and available. Are you ready for a universe of possibilities? The perfect gift for anyone on your list.

3D printing is getting increasingly popular these years; even home users get to use it. By using 3d design software(such as Solidworks or AutoCAD)to create a three-dimensional model of an object, and then by sending the 3d model to a 3D printer, you can make your copy of the item. It’s amazing. But there are still some issues, like the printer’s cost and size, that makes it hard for people to use at home, so if you need some help, come back and learn more about 3D Printing by Kevin.

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UP TO $200 OFF on Flashforge 3d printers.


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4 thoughts on “NBA Players Get 3D Printing Makeover”

  1. Actually, this is the first time I have heard this. 3D printing helps people heal wounds faster. In fact, it’s hard to believe. Not only that, Kelly Oubre has undergone such surgery. Not only that, it is a very successful method. I think this will make a big difference in the world in the future. Thank you so much for posting such important posts. Keep posting like this in the future. I will definitely share this.

    • Hello, Thanks for sharing the information here. If you need a hand getting started with 3D technology, Please don’t hesitate to contact me. 


  2. Such an awesome read.  I’ve always wanted to buy a 3d printer just to figure out how to create useful 3d gadgets for around the house.  From the looks of it, the pricing on 3d printers has come down quite a bit in the last few years.  Are there any budget 3d printers on the market that are good for beginners?


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